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HomeHealth & FitnessStress in Children: Signs, Symptoms and Strategies,

Stress in Children: Signs, Symptoms and Strategies,

Signs of stress in children

Anxiety, stress, and depression are common problems among children nowadays. Sometimes, parents put so much pressure on children that they often become a victim of stress. why children are in stress and what is the signs of stress in children?

These days, children are also under stress. Children are often under stress due to excessive academic pressure, and pressure from the performance of their equal people. Anxiety, stress, and depression are common problems in children nowadays. Sometimes, parents put so much pressure on the children that they become a victim of stress. These days the competition is very high, which often worries the child. Apart from this, problems like bullying, academic pressure, etc. also pressurize the child, which causes changes in their behavior. Here are some signs that say your child is under stress.

Trouble sleeping

Like adults, children do not sleep properly when under stress. If your child is stressed, he will be unable to sleep properly at night and will often experience nightmares.

Getting angry

Children get angry again and again when they are under stress. They do not know the right way to express their feelings. If your child is getting angry often, then something that is definitely bothering him.

Biting nails

When we are under stress we usually chew our nails. It is the same with children. Children also chew their nails when they are stressed or anxious.

Eating habits change

When a child is under stress, he either overeats or does not eat anything. Excessive eating or loss of appetite are some of the common signs of stress in children.

Mood swings

Children often have mood swings. If your child is having a lot of mood swings and you often see them angry, you should talk to them. If there are big changes in their behavior then you should pay attention to them.



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