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HomeMeditation & HealingHow to Meditate Step By Step

How to Meditate Step By Step

How to Meditate

Meditation is an art, but before learning that art or adopting the method, it is more important to have a mat. This mat should be comfortable, should be soft, and should also be heat resistant. Because while doing meditation, your contact is from the energy of the universe, then it goes through your body into the earth. You do not benefit from the energy of that universe. Energy does go through your body, for this, and an anti-heat mat is required. If you use the cotton mat for this, it would be good. For this, you can also buy cotton yoga according you.

Meditation is considered very beneficial from a health point of view, but in many people, the question arises about meditation, how to do meditation. there are some special rules in the way of mediation. Must follow these rules. You can initiate meditation by adopting them.

• Seating process- First you sit in Vajrasana, Sukhasana or Padmasana. In the sitting position, make sure that your spine is straight so that you can breathe properly. At the same time, if for some reason you are not able to sit in these rugs, you can use the chair.

• Resting state – First of all take your whole body to rest. Leave the entire body loose, so that all the muscles are relaxed. Start this process from the feet and bring it to your face. Make sure that your whole body is in a state of rest by visiting this process again and again.

• Breathing- Now your body relaxes, after which you need to pay attention to your breath. Motivate your body to breathe naturally. Take a deep breath in it and then take it out in the same way. To gain the benefits of meditation, repeat this action several times with your whole mind.

• Focus on a single point – In the third step, now try to focus your attention on one point. For this, you should focus on your soul or inner being. For this, you count from one to five. Repeat this process several times. At the same time, you can also try to focus on something or thought that gives you a feeling of happiness.

• Adopt positive attitude – If you are doing meditation for the first time, then it is possible that your mind will repeatedly go towards other thoughts. For this reason, it will be necessary to try to create a state of balance in the mind and do not let the mind wander. If the mind wanders for some reason, try to focus it again.

 Avoiding the illusion trap- Sleep, itching, feeling of emotions, daydreaming (waking dreaming), frequent onset and passing of many types of thoughts, etc. are some of the illusion traps which act to break the meditation.

Therefore, you will need to explain to your mind that it is only the factors that distract you, which can become an obstacle in the way of meditation. Try to avoid them and concentrate the mind. After crossing all these obstacles one can achieve the climax of meditation. It takes regular practice to reach here.

After completion of the process of meditation, rub your palms and apply it on the eyes. After that, slowly open your eyes and come out of meditation and look at your palms.

Right now you know, how to meditate. Now take a good quality yoga mat for this. By the way, you can also use the thick blanket for this, But if the blanket is large enough in size then it is. Can make you feel unconfirmed. But if you hold and use the blanket, then your work may go on.



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